Friday, March 27, 2020

Presidential Succession Essays - , Term Papers

Presidential Succession Presidential Succession, is a term that describes the arrangements under which presidential authority in the United States may be transferred other than by means of the quadrennial presidential ELECTION. Specifically, it embraces those procedures that apply to cases involving the death, resignation, removal, or inability of a PRESIDENT or VICE PRESIDENT, and the death or failure to qualify of a president-elect or vice president-elect. These procedures are defined in three parts of the U. S. CONSTITUTION--Article II, Section 1, Clause 6; the 20th Amendment; and the 25th Amendment--and in the presidential-succession law passed by Congress in 1947. The importance of a system of presidential succession has been demonstrated repeatedly throughout American history, but especially in the 20th century. Between 1901 and 1974, five vice presidents became president as a result of four presidential deaths and one resignation. In the 19th century four other vice presidents became president after a president's death. Between 1841 and 1975, more than one third of the presidents either died in office, resigned, or became disabled. Of the elected vice presidents, seven have died in office and two have resigned. Altogether, the second office has been vacant for more than 37 years. Present System Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 of the Constitution, as supplemented by Section 1 of the 25th Amendment, provides that the vice president becomes president in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of the president. When any of these contingencies occurs, the vice president takes the presidential oath and serves as president for the rest of the term. Section 2 of the 25th Amendment prescribes a procedure for filling a vice-presidential vacancy. The president nominates a vice president, who must be confirmed by a majority vote of each House of CONGRESS. Sections 3 and 4 of the 25th Amendment deal with a case in which some condition or circumstance, such as a physical or mental inability, prevents the president from discharging his powers and duties. These sections make clear that in a case of inability, the vice president simply discharges the powers and duties of president until the president recovers from the inability. Section 3 allows the president to declare the beginning and ending of his own inability. Section 4, covering the case in which the president is unable to make or communicate a decision of inability, authorizes the vice president and a majority of the cabinet "or of such other body as Congress may by law provide" to declare the existence of such an inability. When an inability is declared under Section 4, the president is prevented from resuming his powers and duties for a period of four days from the time he declares the end of such an inability. If during the four-day period the vice president and cabinet should dispute the president's declaration of recovery, the Congress must then decide the issue. It has a maximum of 21 days to do so, and a two-thirds vote of each house is required to prevent the president from resuming his powers and duties. During the period Congress has to decide, the vice president continues to act as president. Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 also authorizes Congress to establish a line of succession to the presidency in the event of simultaneous vacancies in the offices of president and vice president. Pursuant to this provision, Congress adopted a law in 1947 that places the following persons in the line of succession after the vice president: first the Speaker of the House, then the president pro tempore of the Senate, and then the members of the cabinet in the order in which their departments were created. The 20th Amendment provides for other contingencies. In the event of the death of a president-elect, it provides that the vice president-elect shall become president for the full term. If a president-elect fails to qualify--for example, by falling short of residency or age requirements--then the vice president-elect acts as president until the president qualifies. The amendment further authorizes Congress to provide for the death or failure to qualify of both the president-elect and vice president-elect, which Congress has done in the succession law of 1947. Presidential Inability Before the adoption of the 25th Amendment in 1967, the cornerstone of the U. S. presidential succession system was found in Article II, Section 1, Clause 6, which provides: "In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may

Friday, March 6, 2020

Comparación entre la visa K-3 y green card

Comparacià ³n entre la visa K-3 y green card Si eres un ciudadano americano y ests casado con un extranjero que se encuentra fuera de EEUU puedes reclamarlo con una K-3 o con una tarjeta de residencia,  ¿quà © es mejor? Si te has casado y no sabes cul es el camino ms rpido y conveniente para que tu esposo/a venga a los Estados Unidos a vivir contigo como residente permanente legal lee esta comparativa antes de decidir quà © hacer. Elementos comunes a la K-3 y a la solicitud de la tarjeta de residencia para un esposo mediante el formulario I-130 En ambos casos tà º, el ciudadano americano, tienes que enviar la solicitud al Servicio de Ciudadanà ­a e Inmigracià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Si la aprueba, contactar directamente con el consulado correspondiente.El consulado citar a tu esposo/a para una entrevista y ser el oficial consular el que decida si aprueba la solicitud de visa K-3 o de la tarjeta de residencia, segà ºn la peticià ³n que tà º le presentaste al USCIS. Quà © pasa si solicitas una K-3 para tu cà ³nyuge La K-3 una visa que permite al esposo/a de un ciudadano americano entrar en Estados Unidos. Una vez aquà ­ deber realizar un ajuste de estatus para conseguir la greencard.  A consecuencia de ello hay que dedicar unos seis meses a esta tramitacià ³n. Quà © pasa si solicitas una tarjeta de residencia Si en la entrevista el oficial consular aprueba la peticià ³n, entonces tu cà ³nyuge recibir una visa de inmigrante para entrar en Estados Unidos. Cuando llega a la frontera y le sellan el pasaporte se convierte en residente permanente legal. Y en unos meses recibir por correo ordinario la tarjeta de residencia. (pero residente es desde el momento en que entra a Estados Unidos).  ¿Cul es la ventaja y desventaja de la K-3 sobre la peticià ³n del permiso de residencia? Hubo un tiempo en el que las K-3 se tramitaban de una manera ms rpida y por eso habà ­a quien las preferà ­a para acortar el tiempo en el que los esposos permanecà ­an separados. Sin embargo,  hoy en dà ­a esto ya no es asà ­. El tiempo de demora de las tarjetas de residencia para los esposos de los ciudadanos que se encuentran en otro paà ­s varà ­a entre los seis meses y el aà ±o, en la mayorà ­a de los casos. Depende en gran medida de la oficina del USCIS que tramite la peticià ³n y del consulado en el que tiene lugar la entrevista. Otra desventaja de la K-3 que puede afectar a algunas parejas es que la entrevista consular ha de realizarse en el paà ­s en el que se celebrà ³ la boda (excepto si es Estados Unidos, en cuyo caso tendr lugar en el consulado del paà ­s en el que viva el novio extranjero). Por ejemplo, si una pareja donde la novia es de Estados Unidos y el novio de Colombia deciden casarse en Parà ­s durante un viaje romntico, tienen que saber que la entrevista para el visado no va a tener lugar en ningà ºn consulado colombiano, sino en uno francà ©s. Asà ­ que habrà ­a que viajar a otro paà ­s, con el consiguiente gasto.  ¿Cul es la ventaja de pedir directamente la tarjeta de residencia? Que el cà ³nyuge extranjero se convierte en residente nada ms pisar suelo de los Estados Unidos y ser procesado por un oficial de Inmigracià ³n en la aduana. No es necesario realizar un ajuste de estatus. Y como el tiempo de tramitacià ³n se ha reducido y se asemeja al de las visas K-3, realmente la opcià ³n ms ventajosa en la mayorà ­a de los casos es la de reclamar una tarjeta de residencia para el cà ³nyuge extranjero. A tener en cuenta Tanto en los casos de visas K-3 como de peticiones de tarjetas de residencia, la greencard ser condicional por dos aà ±os si los esposos llevan menos de dos aà ±os casados. Toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples sobre la tarjeta de residencia.  ¡Te ayudar a evitar cometer errores! Documentos para realizar las peticiones En ambos casos necesitas rellenar la planilla (forma) I-130. Una vez que es aprobada por el USCIS (te lo notificar con un documento conocido como I-797), si deseas seguir el camino de la visa K-3 debers rellenar el formulario I-129F, incluir una copia del I-797 y enviarlo a la oficina de Dallas del USCIS.